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Acuerdos de Paz

On 23 April 2016 the Government of Colombia and the FARC signed the “General Agreement for the Termination of the Conflict and the Construction of a Stable and Lasting Peace”. Until 2 October 2016 Colombians had the possibility of reviewing the text, analyzing it and deciding whether they would validate the decision. Quantil researchers and mathematicians took on the task of analyzing the text algorithmically, using artificial intelligence techniques and natural language processing, in order to facilitate its comprehension to the public at large. 

Description of the service

Among the web services on the website, there are automatic summaries of sections of the Peace Agreement that match the search pattern introduced by a user, an analysis of the distribution of topics selected by the user within each section of the agreement and a statistical analysis of the most frequent words. At the same time, any user can formulate a question about the text and obtain a reply within seconds, including summaries, graphs and analysis of the topic.

Country of origin


Geographic scope of operations


Type of executing entity

Consolidated Company



Stakeholders involved


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