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Ada Intelligence

Description of the service

ADA Intelligence is a system that combines psychometrics and data science to provide organizations, educational institutions, and individuals with the ability to diagnose critical skills for the 21st century.

Problem that it solves

The need for diagnostic systems enables organizations to create data-driven improvement plans and have starting points to develop the most critical skills of the 21st century

Type of AI app used

Reasoning with knowledge structures, Customization, Prediction

Main results to June 30, 2021

A model with a 93.2% sensitivity level in diagnosing socioemotional skills, in particular those related to Emotional Intelligence

Three main bottlenecks faced during implementation

  • Difficulty in acquiring relevant data for our project.
  • Difficulty in finding qualified talent in data and data science.
  • The need to have an AI regulatory framework for Latin America, enabling us to operate with greater agility and achieve regional coverage.

Lessons learned in the design or use of AI for social impact

  • The importance of creating Latin American models to achieve a high level of model sensitivity.
  • Adapting to the existing legal frameworks outside the region to be prepared for future competition and realities.
  • The importance of joining global communities to maintain best practices and keep up with the accelerated advances in AI topics.

Country of origin

Costa Rica

Geographic scope of operations

Costa Rica – Guatemala – Honduras

Type of executing entity



Labor Markets

Sustainable Development Goal(s) to which your AI solution contributes

4 (quality education)

8 (decent work and economic growth)

10 (reduced inequalities)

IA app developed internally or by a third party


Name of implementing entity

Ada Intelligence

Stakeholders involved

Josué Montero Segura, Ana Chávez Mora, Jack Raifer Baruch, Oriana Oviedo Ojeda

Percentage of the development team that are women


Year they started using AI-based models

It may interest you

Automated decision support systems (ADS) are machine-based systems that can make predictions, recommendations, or decisions influencing real or virtual environments for a given set of human-defined objectives.


The Regional Landscape and 12 Country Snapshots


Promises and Challenges