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Energy for Development

Description of the service

Energy for Development aims to improve the quality of life of high Andean communities through solar heating systems designed using machine learning, capable of predicting solar radiation to optimize the heating system and achieve thermal comfort inside the houses.

Problem that it solves

Communities living at more than 3,000 m.a.s.l. must endure extreme conditions during cold seasons, causing the death of children and the elderly and lack of food, in addition to providing inadequate housing conditions.

Type of AI app used


Main results to June 30, 2021

The AI algorithms enabled the design of a solar heating system 36.96 times more economical than a conventional one. It can also prevent 3,985.2 kg of CO2 emissions per year.

Three main bottlenecks faced during implementation

  1. Data access
  2. Data quality
  3. Access to computational capacity.

Lessons learned in the design or use of AI for social impact

The AI project involves the inclusion of the communities and inputs to design optimal heating systems.

Country of origin


Geographic scope of operations

High Andean communities of Peru

Type of executing entity

Organización no gubernamental (ONG)


Social Inclusion

Sustainable Development Goal(s) to which your AI solution contributes

7 (affordable and clean energy)

IA app developed internally or by a third party


Name of implementing entity

Sustainable Energy Access

Stakeholders involved

Volunteers and communities

Percentage of the development team that are women


Year they started using AI-based models

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Este documento presenta el Informe Final de la auditoría algorítmica del sistema Laura, llevada a cabo por Eticas Research and Consulting.


Este documento forma parte de la serie “Camino hacia la inclusión educativa: 4 pasos para la construcción de sistemas de protección de trayectorias”.