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Description of the service

Automation of the anonymization process of documents and their subsequent publication, using NLP techniques that also allow the detection of useful unstructured text data to structure it in a data frame that feeds the Court's open database.

Problem that it solves

The anonymization of personal information enables the opening and publication of court rulings, detects unstructured text entities related to gender violence cases, and returns a data frame.

Type of AI app used

Target-focused optimization, reasoning with knowledge structures, recognition

Main results to June 30, 2021

We have significantly improved document anonymization times and can optimally collect and analyze the data.

Three main bottlenecks faced during implementation

  1. Cultural issues
  2. Lack of funding

Lessons learned in the design or use of AI for social impact

  1. Importance of collaborative work
  2. The virtues of multi-stakeholder participation
  3. Mutual learning between developers and problem solvers

Country of origin


Geographic scope of operations

Buenos Aires

Type of executing entity



Gender or diversity
Government management

Sustainable Development Goal(s) to which your AI solution contributes

5 (gender equality), 16 (peace, justice, and strong institutions)

IA app developed internally or by a third party

External company

Name of implementing entity

Contraventions and Misdemeanors Criminal Court No. 10, Buenos Aires

Stakeholders involved

Cambá Cooperativa de Trabajo

Percentage of the development team that are women

50%+ women and transgender people

Year they started using AI-based models

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Este documento presenta el Informe Final de la auditoría algorítmica del sistema Laura, llevada a cabo por Eticas Research and Consulting.


En este documento se abordan los impactos de la inteligencia artificial en la educación