This self-assessment tool is designed to allow the mitigation of ethical risks associated with the use/application of new technologies. It is available so that the ethical performance of each system can be evaluated from the beginning. This is to help the team think about potential ethical risks that may arise throughout the development process. It is important to note that the guidelines in this self-assessment tool are recommended rather than required.
El uso de la tecnología es fundamental para la educación en momentos de distanciamiento social, y su importancia sólo seguirá creciendo en el futuro, el uso de plataformas pone a los niños y las niñas en un estado de vu
En conjunto con la OECD publicamos el manual de ciencia de datos, el cual busca proveer recomendaciones técnicas a los equipos desarrolladores de sistemas de IA.
Responsible and Widespread Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Latin America and the Caribbean