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Not Company

NotCo was founded in 2016 with the purpose of changing the way food is made, a way to allow people to eat more healthily without noticing it. To achieve this, NotCo combined science and Artificial Intelligence technology to help scientists create food formulas that are delicious and sustainable. An efficient and sustainable way was invented for transforming plants into food products that deliver all the pleasures and nutritional benefits that consumers demand, without a destructive environmental impact. 

Description of the service

NotCo´s first product, Not Mayo, was introduced in 40 stores in March 2017 and in only 8 months sales reached 8% of market share. By December 2017, the product was sold in over 260 stores (it is worth noting that Chile is the third mayonnaise consumer in the world per capita). 

Country of origin


Geographic scope of operations

Commercial: Chile, Brazil, Argentina. Research: Chile, Brazil, Argentina, USA

Type of executing entity




Stakeholders involved


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Posibilidades y riesgos de la inteligencia artificial en el Estado digital


En los últimos años, el uso de sistemas biométricos se ha expandido de manera significativa en los escenarios más variados en todo el mundo.


El presente documento presenta un estudio de caso de un proyecto piloto en el estado de Jalisco que utilizó inteligencia artificial (IA) para el tamizaje de la Retinopatía Diabética.