In the context of the COVID-19 emergency, and to respond to the closing of schools and the 50%-reduction in the usual occupation of commercial establishments and its effects on employment, the Costa Rica government implemented actions including the delivery of food packages and a cash transfer program (Bono Proteger) to support the disadvantaged population, particularly affected by the socioeconomic crisis.
The COVID-driven socioeconomic crisis affects poor and vulnerable populations in three ways: (1) makes it difficult to operate and deliver support to beneficiaries of social programs; (2) generates new segments of poor and vulnerable populations that require immediate support; and (3) evidences the need to continuously identify vulnerable populations not covered by social policies.
Inefficient allocation of social subsidies to the most disadvantaged: In the face of the COVID crisis, it is crucial to improve the effectiveness of these type of social policies, which largely depend on their appropriate targeting.
Extreme poverty households in Costa Rica (urban and surrounding areas).
Sistema Nacional de Información y Registro Único de Beneficiarios del Estado (National Information System and Single Registry of State Beneficiaries, SINIRUBE), an entity attached to Instituto Mixto de Ayuda Social (Joint Institute for Social Assistance, IMAS) that manages a technological tool focused on the programs of Costa Rica's social policy.
INCLUIA, the AI solution, generates maps of extreme urban poverty for large territories with high spatial resolution. The result is a geographic recommendation system that increases the effectiveness of field social workers, supporting the proactive search for potential beneficiaries of social programs. SINIRUBE developed this solution.
Review of regulations related to the handling and use of personal data.
Entering into a Confidentiality Agreement to legally support the exchange, management, and safeguarding of information and data confidentiality.
No personally identifiable information was used, and international servers with worldwide service and security certifications were used to reduce the potential risks of physical and virtual attacks on the data.
INCLUIA identified households without coverage in SINIRUBE, otherwise very difficult to locate, precisely because they are few and distributed throughout the large metropolitan area of Costa Rica. Forty-one priority clusters were identified for inclusion in Costa Rica's social registry.
During the assessment and knowledge dissemination stage, two dissemination workshops were held: (i) the virtual workshop "Technological Innovation for Mapping Extreme Poverty, Active Search, and Inclusion of Beneficiaries in Social Protection Systems" to more than a dozen institutions (INA, MEP, CONAPAM, IMAS, CCSS, MIDEPLAN, SINIRUBE, CONAPDIS, MTSS, STATE NATION); and ii) in collaboration with the Social Protection and Health Division of the IADB, the virtual workshop "Use of satellite images to identify gaps in the coverage of social protection systems" was held with the participation of more than 40 social protection specialists from the Bank.
INCLUIA has been implemented in the Dominican Republic and Jalisco (Mexico) and will soon be implemented in Mexico City.
Assess the possibility of scaling the solution to more programs and institutions of the Costa Rican public social sector.
Handling of highly-sensitive personal information. However, from the beginning, it was determined that no personally identifiable information will be handled, and to mitigate this risk, international servers with worldwide service and security certifications that reduce potential risks of physical and virtual attacks on the data will be used.
Costa Rica
Social inclusion
Costa Rica
Use and Monitoring
Este documento presenta el Informe Final de la auditoría algorítmica del sistema Laura, llevada a cabo por Eticas Research and Consulting.
Junto con el MIT desarrollamos un estudio en el que utilizamos por primera vez herramientas de inteligencia artificial para elegir a beneficiarios de programas sociales
Este documento fue diseñado como insumo de una hoja de ruta que permite crear un marco para el uso ético, responsable y seguro de la IA en Costa Rica.